Effective July 15, 2023, General Electric and Kuhse Power Solutions GmbH, as part of the Kuhse Energy Group, have agreed on an intensive coope­ration in the distri­bution of the today’s techni­cally market-leading energy management system within the scope of the world’s first value added reseller contract for the GE-MicroGrid Management solution.

The partnership is designed for long-term coope­ration in sales, imple­men­tation, ongoing customer support and joint further develo­pment of the product.

Due to the incre­asing decen­tra­lization of power supply, both companies expect a strongly growing market in the area of indus­trial energy management systems and feel that they are ideally positioned for this with this partnership.


A MicroGrid is a local power network consisting of a large number of decen­tra­lized power generation plants, storage solutions and indus­trial as well as commercial consumers.

Such a MicroGrid can be operated by energy-intensive indus­trial consumers both in parallel with the public grid and in island mode.

For companies in the energy industry, it can also be part of the public grid.

MicroGrid parti­ci­pants include

  • conven­tional power plants such as CCGT, CHP or steam generators
  • renewable energy generation plants such as solar, geothermal and wind power plants
  • storage facilities such as battery and thermal storage systems and fuel cells
  • indus­trial and commercial energy consumers such as heat pumps or electro­lysers

With the ongoing decen­tra­lization of power generation, the MicroGrid Controller plays a crucial role in ensuring a reliable, efficient and ecolo­gical power supply. Through its diverse functions and coupling options to energy markets, it contri­butes to the support, stability and quality assurance of the grid.

The MicroGrid Controller pursues two equally important objec­tives in parallel:

  • The main technical task of the MicroGrid Controller is to maintain the balance between power generation and power consumption in the MicroGrid while ensuring both grid stability and grid quality.
  • Taking into account the environ­mental aspects (CO2, fuel reduction) and the economic aspects (fuel cost savings, CO2 emission trading, energy markets) by optimizing the decen­tra­lized energy flows.

The system consists of a local real-time controller for the secondary intel­ligent control of all MicroGrid parti­ci­pants as well as a cloud-based unit for data analysis, successive optimiza­tions and additive planning tasks.

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