Kuhse Energy Group solutions combine complex, cyber secure control systems for electrical power generation and indus­trial firing technology in decen­tra­lized power generation.

Companies of the Kuhse Energy Group

M&S Combustion Techno­logies GmbH

M&S Combustion Techno­logies is your partner for future-oriented and functionally reliable firing systems for power plants and indus­trial boilers as well as thermopro­cessing plants in the power range 5–100 MW per burner. From engineering to commis­sioning, M&S offers all services from a single source.

Kuhse Secure Systems GmbH

Kuhse Secure Systems delivers cyber secure digital solutions and remote services for critical infra­struc­tures in the energy market. Cyber security packages for Kuhse control systems in critical infra­struc­tures based on IEC 62443, the Cyber Security Act as well as the IT Security Act 2.0 ensure efficient commis­sioning, secure plant operation and optimal service support.

Kuhse Power Solutions GmbH

Kuhse Power Solutions specia­lizes in complex, high-availa­bility control systems and instru­men­tation and control technology for power plants, emergency power systems, turbines, exhaust gas combustion and hybrid plants. As a system integrator, Kuhse offers complete individual system solutions — from EPLAN engineering to commis­sioning and maintenance — from a single source.


Power Plant Automation

The Kuhse Energy Group offers conventional and complex control systems and control panels for emergency power, prime power, hybrid and power plant applications. The scope of services includes supervisory and control systems, central control panels, SCADA systems and process control systems.

CRITIS / Cyber Security

Cyber Security packages of the Kuhse Energy Group secure control systems against cyber attacks. Especially in critical infrastructures, the cyber security solutions for emergency power and power plant applications are used and ensure a high level of operational reliability.

Hybrid Power / Micro Grids

The Kuhse Energy Group combines conventional and renewable energy generators to modern hybrid plants. The Kuhse energy management system continuously optimizes plant operation and ensures high economic efficiency.

Indus­trial Firing Technology

The Kuhse Energy Group offers a comprehensive service portfolio in the field of firing systems for power plants and industrial boilers as well as thermoprocessing plants in the power range 5-100 MW per burner.


Part of corporate respon­si­bility is to reconcile necessary economic business objec­tives with social and ecolo­gical aspects. This includes compliance with appli­cable laws, funda­mental ethical values and sustainable action. The basic principles required for this are laid down as binding guide­lines in this Code of Conduct. We wish and expect our business partners to also commit to these basic principles in their coope­ration with us and to demand the same from their business partners.

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