For complex hybrid appli­ca­tions, Kuhse offers the innovative energy management solution GE-Microgrid Management. Funda­mental control functions are supple­mented by a compre­hensive range of additional functions which can be provided in a modular and scalable manner.


Extended control functions

  • Load management
  • Load shedding
  • Black start
  • No-load control

Dynamic reserve power

  • for energy storage, engine-generator and turbine-generator sets

Power quality and power stability

  • Peak load compensation
  • Active and reactive power control
  • Voltage and frequency support

Connec­tivity options to

  • Forecast-engines for solar and wind forecasts as well as load profiles for day-ahead forecasts
  • Energy markets ("24h energy demand market" and "5min frequency regulation market”)

Further connec­tivity options to

  • Superior systems (e.g. to control and dispatch centers)
  • Simulation environments
  • Analysis-mechanisms for Condition Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance, Outlier Detection

Imple­men­tation of controllers

  • for covering local grid connection requi­re­ments (Grid Code Compliance)
Systemaufbau EMS

System Topology

The GE-MicroGrid Management solution consists of a local real-time control device (the Microgrid Controller) for direct commu­ni­cation with the primary control systems and the inter­faces for connecting energy markets, forecast systems and simulation environ­ments.

The GE-MicroGrid Management solution control device contains those verified software modules that are selected and required for the respective project. In addition, individual customer-specific and special project-specific adapt­a­tions can be integrated into this control device as separate software modules.

Stored and archived operating and status data as well as day-ahead forecast simula­tions are available locally or/and through customer-related cloud databases and cloud appli­ca­tions.

Remote monitoring, remote optimization and remote support capabi­lities are also available via cyber-secure remote connec­tions.

Your contact
Hybrid Power

Jörg Delbos

Sales Manager

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